letter to editor---composition from mid-term exams

更新时间:2024-04-28 01:26:39

Dar ditor,

letter to editor---composition from mid-term exams

I’m writing to tll you how w studnts us computrs in our daily livs. First som studnts surf on lin whil doing thir homwork which maks thm not concntrat on thir studis; Scond, som us computrs to gt bad information such as blu movis; Third, computr gams dstroy many studnts bcaus thy throw thmslvs to th virtual world, compltly forgtting what thy’v got to do; Fourth, a larg sums of studnts ar absorbd in on-lin dating, thy kp thinking of th swt words vn whn thy’r having classs! Thr ar also xampls rportd to hav chatd by thir so-calld -lovr. So I suggst that w us computr in a right, halthy way, in a propr priod of tim whil at hom.

Bst Wishs

Yours truly,

Li Hua

By Tom Wang from Class (10)

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